Welcome to
ca.autosurf-uk.com was launched on 12-07-2013 as a new member of the great autosurf network. We are in the process of building the largest Traffic network that will allow our users to geo-taget the country of there choice! Regional sites will have some specific competitions for that specific country, but for now we are very happy to be unveiling Autosurf Canada and hope to see floods of Canadians using our new gateway:)All this has been made possible with help from uni.me, adf.ly and snipesearch.co.uk.
Do you need free autosurf friendly hosting for your spash page or website? check out our partner http://mysqlhosting.tk
Steve Driver, Autosurf Admin
This site is a tool that will help you grow your Twitter, Soundcloud, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Digg, Pinterest, Reverbnation, Dribbble, Vimeo, Friendfeed, Gamespot, Qik, Myspace, Flattr and Websites for FREE. We allow you to pick and choose who you want to follow, like, friend or view, allowing you to skip those who you're not interested.
All exchange features are fully functional! Enjoy your YouTube, views, website views and more!